Monday, December 13, 2010

Wouldn't You Like to Be a Poet Too?

A Year Without Rain lyrics by Selena Gomez

Can you feel me
When I think about you
With every breath I take
Every minute
No matter what I do
My world is an empty place

Like I've been wondering the desert
For a thousand days ( ohhoh )
Don't know if it's a mirage
But I always see your face, baby

I'm missing you so much
Can't help it, I'm in love
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain
Ohhohoh, Woooaaahh woaahh

The stars are burning
I hear your voice in my mind ( it's in my mind )
Can't you hear me calling
My heart is yearning
Like the ocean that's running dry
Catch me I'm falling

It's like the ground is crumbling underneath my feet
Won't you save me
There's gonna be a monsoon
When you get back to me
Ohhhh baby

I'm missing you so much
Can't help it, I'm in love (love)
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side (side)
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain
Ohhohoh, Woooaaahh woaahh

So let this drought come to an end
And may this desert flower again
And I need you here
I can't explain
But a day without you
Is like a year without rain

I'm missing you so much (much)
Can't help it, I'm in love
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side (side)
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain
Ohhohoh, Woooaaahh woaahh
Ooohh, Ooooooooouuhh

  1. The speaker is Selena Gomez herself, She's speaking about herself, She's talking to the audience.
  2. The setting of the song is in the middle of a desert, it takes place in the afternoon.
  3. The central purpose of the song is for Selena to let out her feelings, about how she's feling at that moment, how being in love has changed her life. I think the lyrics give a vivid impression" A day without you is like a year without rain, I need you by my side, Don't know how I'll survive".
  4. The central theme of this song is romance, the lyrics explain how deeply in love the speaker is.
  5. I think the tone of the song is depressed " My heart is yearning, like the ocean that's running dry, catch me I'm falling" .
  6. "The stars are burning, It's like the ground is crumbling underneath my feet". I find these two lines to be really effective because they describe how the speaker feels about her love. The lyrics show how she feels living without her love. " It's like the ground is crumbling underneath my feet". This line deeply describes how depressed she is each day without her love.
  7.  "So let this drought come to an end, And may this desert flower again". These two lines are examples of imagery because the speaker is comparing the drought to her seperation for the one she loves so dearly. " And may this desert flower again". Shes comparing the desert to her heart how it will bloom with love again.
  8. These song lyrics speak to me because they form an image that describes how the speaker is feeling.What makes this song powerful is the imagery that is used to connect her audience to her lyrics. She compares her love with A Year Without Rain.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Inerpretive Fiction or Escapist Fiction

I think we should study more Escapist novels, because I am able to grasp the concept of teh novel quicker. Although Intrepretive Fiction is good for one's thinking skills, I prefer Escapist rather than Intrpretive fiction.Escapist novels allow you to peek into someone else's life and their story, forgetting the world around you. Even though Intrepretive fiction allows you to understand the deeper meaning of the novel, it isn't all that interesting, it's actually fairly boring. I would rather prefer Romance or Escapist novels because it allows to escape the real world, and fall into someone else's shoes.

In class we read Lord of the Flies by William Golding which was an Intrepretive Novel, but was veryyy boring. I know the novel was meant to understand the deeper meaning of the story. Then we read a novel called Leslie's Journal by Allan Stratton which was waaayyy better thann Lord of the Flies only because you could actually understand what the author was trying to get at . I would say that  Leslie's Journal  was more of an escapist novel , because it allowed you to experience someone else's situation, rather than having to comprehend a deeper meaning.

I think that students should be offered a choice of more Escapist Fiction novels, beacause there far more interesting. Students would actually be able to finish the novel, rather than having to force themselves to read the novel. I felt that it was difficult to grasp the concept of the novel Lord of the Flies. Although Intrepretive novels are good for your brain I would reccomend Escapist Fiction.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Most Evil Villain

I think the most evil villain would be Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty, because her evil has no bounds as all of her insiduos plans are devised out of sight.  Maleficent casts a spell on Aurora to make sure that "Before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of the wheel and die". She is the self-proclaimed " Mistress of All Evil", who after not being invited to the baby's christening, curses the infant "Princess Aurora". Maleficent is often viewed as the most powerful  sinister of the Disney villians. She appears in the film Sleeping Beauty by means of supernatural teleportation during the christening of Stefan's daughter. The evil fairy is responsible for all the misfortune in Stefan's kingdom, like even the merest kiling frost bears her mark. Aided by her pet raven she is one of the most powerful of the disney villains. She can change her form at her own will. Maleficent has a costume fit for a true Disney villains. She has pale green skin, evil yellow eyes, and wears a horned headdress. She is very clearly practices the dark arts. She casts spells via her staff. She can create bolts of lightning and transport herself from place to place. Thats why I think that Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty is the most evil villain.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Top 3

 The top 3 books  that I have chosen are, Goddess of the Night, Kathleens Story, Faking 19.

I would rank Goddess of the Night from the Daughters of the Moon series to be at the  top because the its fast paced and interesting .The book Goddess of the Night is about  a young girl named Vanessa who has the ability to become invisible by removing the molecular attraction between the atoms making up her body. She can fly through the air and move among groups of people without being seen. Catty, her friend has the ability to time travel back and forth. Serena, has the ability to read minds and Jimena has premonitions meaning she can fortell the future.
I would rank Kathleens Story to be second because its an emotional roller coaster ride. The book Kathleens story is about Kathleen and her friends Raina and Holly spending their summer as "Pink Angels" in Parker- Sloan General Hospital's summer volunteer program after their sophomore year.kathleen is not willing to volunteer, becasue she has enough responsibility at home caring for her sick mother. But when she meets Carson, a cute and and flirty fellow volunteer, she is happy that she joined the program. Or, at least, she thinks she is. Carson’s “old friend” Stephanie keeps showing up at all the wrong times. And Kathleen’s mother keeps complaining that she needs Kathleen at home. But with friends Raina and Holly by her side and her Pink Angel t-shirt on her back, Kathleen is able to realize that helping others also allows you to help yourself.
I would rank Faking 19 to be third because its not like any of the other books I have read its different. Faking 19 is about two girls, tow fake id's, and one little white lie. Alex a seventeen year old and her friend M decide to check out  L.A.'s glitzy nightlife scene.Pretending to be nineteen, LAex and M meet Trevor and Connor two rich older guys. At first, Alex can't believe her luck—she gets to hang out at hip Hollywood house parties and downtown L.A. clubs. But after the initial fun wears off for Alex, she is forced to reevaluate her friendship with M, who is hiding some secrets beneath her perfect Burberry-clad exterior....
These are my top 3 books that I have chosen.


Monday, October 4, 2010

My Guilty Pleasure

My guilty pleasure is that I like to watch east-indian soap operas. I think that it is a guilty pleasure because I wouldn't go out and broadcast it to people. Some people would say that why would you watch soap operas their so boring, but for me I like watching them because of the story, I find the stories really interesting. I started watching soap operas when I was eight years old, so ever since then I started watching soap operas. I've been watching east-indian soap operas ever since. I think the people that don't watch soap operas should try watching them maybe they'll like it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blog Assignment #1

If I had the ability to transport myself to any historical event I would transport myself to the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway, because this event was a creation of a unified Canadian nation for joining the Confederation of Canada. The Canadian Pacific Railway was meant to connect Canada from coast to coast. The creation of the CPR was a task originally undertaken by the Conservative government of Prime Minister Sir John.A.Macdonald, British Columbia. Macdonald thought the CPR was a eessential for the creation of a unified nation. In 1879 the government of Canada started the construction on the western section of the CPR. The building of the Canadian Pacific Railway began in 1881 and ended in 1885. On November, 7th, 1885 the Canadian Pacific Railway became Canada's first transcontinental railroad, it started opening remote areas and delivering people and commodities to the towns and industries that grew up along the line. My role in the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway was  being one of the investors. The CPR impacted history by uniting the Confederation of Canada.